Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bicycle Loops, Parking Lot Lights and Deconsumption

Asked for and received - Kudos to your Port of Bellingham staff.:

Last year traffic impact mitigation required a new signal at Roeder and Bellwether, I asked for a bike loop so the light would react to cyclists coming to the light......done!

The traffic signal loop was a nice touch for the community, thank you Adam.

This year I asked for LED lighting in our new parking lots......Norm tells me just this week......done!

* 33 new LED parking lot lights that draw 60% of the standard metal halide.
* 19 year life expectancy.
* High value recyclable content at the end of life.
* $11,000 cheaper than the metal halide with 30% lower operating costs!! WIN-WIN!!

The LED lights will be a big winner for our energy deconsumption . Good work Norm.

Word of the millenium:

Deconsumption: making do with less (Markowitz and Bowerman).

1 comment:

  1. About the traffic signal loop I saw it in a picture on facebook and it is nice.

    By commercial parking lot lights in ma
